• JUL '24 "Constrained 6-DoF Grasp Generation on Complex Shapes for Improved Dual-Arm Manipulation" accepted at IROS 2024!
  • JAN '24 2 papers accepted at ICRA 2024!
  • NOV '23 Presented "EDMP: Ensemble-of-costs-guided Diffusion for Motion Planning" at CoRL Workshop 2023!
  • SEP '23 "HyP-NeRF: Learning Improved NeRF Priors using a HyperNetwork" accepted at NeurIPS 2023!
  • SEP '23 Completed my internship at Mila and started my Ph.D. at MIT!
  • JULY '23 "SCARP: 3D Shape Completion in ARbitrary Poses for Improved Grasping" accepted for presentation at RSS Workshop 2023!
  • JUN '23 "Disentangling Planning and Control for Non-prehensile Tabletop Manipulation" accepted at CASE 2023!
  • MAY '23 For ICRA 2023, I acted as the official social media ambassador, posting on behalf of IEEE RAS on their social media channels!
  • MAY '23 Started my internship at the REAL lab in Mila!
  • APR '23 "Uncovering hidden biases against Indian independent artists in the perception of music quality by Indian Audience" accepted at ICMPC 2023!
  • JAN '23 "SCARP: 3D Shape Completion in ARbitrary Poses for Improved Grasping" accepted at ICRA 2023!
  • JAN '23 I am attending Google Research Week 2023 in Bangalore!
  • DEC '22 Presented INR-V at Vision India, ICVGIP 2022!
  • OCT '22 "INR-V: A Continuous Representation Space for Video-based Generative Tasks" accepted at TMLR 2022!
  • SEP '22 I am grateful to Microsoft Research for awarding me a travel grant of $2000 for WACV 2023!
  • AUG '22 2 papers accepted at WACV 2023!
  • AUG '22 Gave a tutorial on "Computer Vision challenges in Table-top rearrangement and Planning" at the 6th Summer School of AI held at IIIT-H!
  • JUN '22 We are in news for bagging 3rd position in OCRTOC!
  • APR '22 We came 3rd in ICRA 2022 Open Cloud Robot Table Organization Challenge (OCRTOC)!
  • DEC '21 Granted a Provisional Patent on "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRAINING USERS TO LIP READ"!
  • NOV '21 Joined Robotics Research Center at IIIT-H as a Research Fellow!
  • AUG '21 Joined MS by Research at IIIT-H!
  • JUN '21 "Personalized One-Shot Lipreading for an ALS Patient" accepted at BMVC 2021!
  • MAR '21 Joined Center for Visual Information Technology at IIIT-H as a Research Fellow!
  • SEP '20 I received "Spot Award" for "Innovation and Impact" at Microsoft!